This screen shows the number of policy matches over time and the full list of policies on the website. The screen has different viewing options so policy matches can be based on Pages or PDFs, the full library of policies, and any policy-related decisions can be viewed using the different side-menu navigation options.
On the policy overview screen, the list of Policies is split into two main categories:
Policies with matches: This shows all policies that are currently being flagged on this website
Policies without matches: This shows all policies that the website is checking for but no matches were found
By default the Policies table has the following columns:
Name: The name that was given to the policy
Matches: The number of instances the website is currently matching the policy rules
Assignees: The users/roles that have been assigned to policy
Progress: An indication as to how many issues and pages are still matching the policy
The information displayed can be adjusted using the "Columns" button at the top of the table, alongside additional "Add filter" and "Search" options.