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Pages screen (Analytics)
Daniel Towers avatar
Written by Daniel Towers
Updated over 2 months ago

The Pages screen gives you more detail about how the pages in your website are performing.

The first graph shows visitors, page views, bounce rate, and visit duration, while the table has every page in the property with views, visitors, and duration. The columns included in the table can be adjusted with a few clicks.

If you have a closer look at the table of Pages, there is a dropdown menu in the top right of the table for Columns.

Use the checkboxes to choose what information you would like included in the table. These metrics include average scroll, bounce rate, read percentage, read words, and total words.

How to use the Pages screen

Which pages are most popular? Which pages have the longest visit duration or the most words read?

This information can help you identify your best and worst performing content, so you can make informed decisions about what to prioritize and what changes to make.

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