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Overview screen
Daniel Towers avatar
Written by Daniel Towers
Updated over 2 months ago

This gives you a comprehensive overview of your analytics data in a single, easy-to use screen. It’s the best place for you get quickly spot trends or concerns, and links to other parts of the platform where you can get more detail.

Why it matters

The graph at the top shows you visitors, page views, and visit duration with trend data for the designated time period (like a green arrow pointing up with a 1% next to it).

The next two tables are for the most popular pages and the most popular source of visitors.

The third row has a graph for both frustration and bounce rate.

And at the bottom we have a graph for browser size, browser, and operating system (OS).

How to use the overview screen

You’ll first want to choose your date range – the page defaults to the last 7 days – so make sure the data you’re interested in is reflected on this screen.

The Visitors graph shows you how many people have visited your site in the selected date range. You can switch to other graphs here by choosing ‘Page views’ or ‘Duration’ respectively.

Next up are your Top Pages, which list the top 5 pages by the number of visitors. This is useful to get a quick understanding of your most popular content. Top sources show you where your visitors are coming from. Mainly, you’ll see sources like Google, for those coming from search or paid traffic, and perhaps social networks like Facebook or Twitter. For both of these charts, you can click the View more button to expand and see more results.

Frustration is a global indication of areas that your users have difficulty with. Frustration is generally defined as events that have no outcome. An example of Frustration is when a user clicks a button but nothing happens. You can get more details on Frustration by clicking the View more button.

Bounce rate shows you the percentage of users that have entered the site and left within 10 seconds without doing anything. This is a key metric for analytics and Silktide measures this a little differently than other analytics software. This is a percentage of visitors, and then the trend data is also a percentage, which might be a little confusing. For example, you might have a 22% bounce rate, and that 22% may represent an increase of 30% from the previous timeframe you are viewing.

You’re able to see popular browser sizes in the pie chart at the bottom of the Overview screen, so you can understand your traffic split between desktop, mobile, and tablets. You can also get a list of popular browsers and operating systems by the number of visitors.

Countries and Regions show the top 4 locations with the highest number of visitors from those areas.

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