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How to use Targets
Daniel Towers avatar
Written by Daniel Towers
Updated over a month ago

What are targets?

Targets allow you to set target score goals that are tracked within the Silktide platform.

Targets can focus on specific issues such as the number of spelling mistakes, or be set against scores, such as a website's Accessibility score.

Where to find your target scores

Targets can be found in multiple places across your website report.

On a module overview screen

You can easily find your targets on the overview screens for different modules such as the Accessibility module or Content module. Targets are displayed next to the overall score for that module.

If you've set a Benchmark, you'll find that on the overview screen as well.

On the Targets screen

You can also access a list of all existing targets for a website by selecting the Targets link in the left-side navigation list.

How to set up a new target

To set up a new target for your website, follow the steps outlined in this section.

1. Navigate to Websites

Go to Websites using the link at the top of the main navigation bar.

2. Choose your website

Pick the website that you want to see or edit targets for.

3. Open the Targets screen

Choose the Targets link in the left-side navigation. Here you will be presented with a table showing all targets that are currently set for the website.

It's possible to filter this table using the filter options, such as Target assignee.

4. Add new target

From the targets screen:

  1. Select Add target.

  2. Select the target metric, name, target score and date, as well as any target assignees.

  3. Make sure to hit Save when you're finished.

Target options that are available include:

  • Metric: The value that the target should be applied to, for example a specific check or an overall module score.

  • Name: A name that will easily identify the target for any future updates or changes.

  • Section: The website or section that the target will be applied to.

  • Target value: The score value you are aiming for. This works negatively and positively depending on the check, for example a target of 5 for "Broken links" would mean that you're looking to maintain fewer than 5 broken links, but a target of 90 for your Content score would mean that you're looking to increase that score to 90.

  • Target date: The date the target should be achieved by.

  • Assignees: Any users assigned to this target. Users assigned will receive a platform notification letting them know of their new target.

What's next?

After setting your targets, consider setting up a Benchmark to compare your website's performance against others in the same industry.

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