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Grammar check
Daniel Towers avatar
Written by Daniel Towers
Updated over 2 months ago

This screen shows potential grammar errors across multiple languages. It looks for grammar errors in both the visible text of your website and in other areas that people may only see indirectly, such as page titles, drop-down menus and alternative text.

Why it matters

Poor grammar makes your website harder to understand, and leaves a negative impression on your visitors. In rare cases, incorrect grammar can cause legal issues, where your content does not mean what you intended.

How to use it

Silktide lists any potential grammar errors in a table. The text may contain a grammatical error, or Silktide may be unsure or confused by the text, in which case you need to tell Silktide to ignore the issue.

For each word, you can click on:

  • Magnifying glass – this opens the Inspector, which shows you where the text appears on a page.

  • Plus icon (+) – this expands a suggested correction for the text. (Only shown where a suggestion is available).

  • Approve grammar – this will teach Silktide not to highlight this particular text again, on any page it appears. Other websites are unaffected.

If you open the Inspector, you will see the unrecognized text highlighted on a specific page:

Here you have an additional option tucked under the “…” menu: you can click Ignore this grammar rule for all pages:

In the above example, this would tell Silktide to stop checking for any repeated words, on all pages of this website. Other websites would be unaffected.

Understanding invisible grammar errors

Silktide may find grammar errors in parts of your page that are not visible. See invisible text.

Handling multiple languages

Silktide supports grammar checking of many languages, but it can only check a single language on an individual page. So if a page combines say French and Spanish, Silktide will choose the language it thinks is most commonly used on that page, and check only that language.

For grammar checking to work, you should ensure that you have told Silktide exactly what languages you use for a given website. For example, the rules for US and British English grammar are slightly different, than they are for spelling.

Which languages are supported?

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