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Mediums screen
Jessica Chambers avatar
Written by Jessica Chambers
Updated over 2 months ago

Source is the where, medium is the how.”

Why it matters

Mediums show how users come to your website. A source can have multiple mediums. Let’s take an example.

A visitor enters your site by searching in Google, clicking on an organic search result, and loading your web page.

In this example, the Source is Google, and the Medium is Search, which is one of the default mediums.

A second visitor enters your site by searching in Google, clicking on a paid advertising result, and loading your web page.

In this example, the Source is Google, and the Medium is Paid (or PPC, or CPC, or however you mark it in your tracking links – ask your marketing team about that.)

How to use the mediums screen

You’ll need to set up your tracking links from external sources as you normally would. Silktide will pick up anything in the ‘utm_medium’ query parameter and list it under the Mediums section of Analytics.

Mediums can also act as a filter across the reporting, so you can drill into the data to get more information on exactly how that campaign performed with visitors. Did it drive traffic to the site? Did those visitors stick around? Did they convert?

You could measure, for example, the differences between users who find you organically and those who find you through paid advertising, from the same source.

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