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What is Single Sign-On?
Daniel Towers avatar
Written by Daniel Towers
Updated over 2 months ago


Single Sign-On (SSO) is an identification system that allows websites or web applications to use other, trusted sites to verify users. SSO systems work as an Identity Provider (IdP) – sort of like an ID card. For example, instead of logging into Silktide’s platform with a username/password we create for you, you can just login using your company ID card (IdP) as they have vouched for you.

You likely use SSO daily without realizing it. Have you ever chosen to log in to a website using the “Login with Google” or “Login with Facebook” buttons? If so, this is a form of Single sign-on. It’s just that Google or Facebook are vouching for you.

Why should you use SSO?

There are a few main benefits of using SSO.

  • Convenience – Users only need to remember one set of login details and IT teams can easily revoke access to platforms from one location when staff members leave or change roles.

  • Transparency – Users know what’s being shared from one system to another as your systems control what information is sent to our platform.

  • Speed – With auto-provisioning your users can get access to the platform without needing a user account to be created for them.

  • Security – The website or application using SSO (the Service Provider) will not store your password. All applications connecting to your Identity Provider must be authenticated. The Identity Provider can also add additional security measures that the Service Provider may not typically support. For example, password rotation every 90 days.

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