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How to get SSO set up for your account
Daniel Towers avatar
Written by Daniel Towers
Updated over 2 months ago


Getting SSO set up with Silktide is a simple process that will require some effort from both IT teams. The steps below outline the typical process that we follow.


  • Silktide only supports Service Provider Initiated login flow.

  • Silktide uses the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) authorization standard only.

  • The user’s email address must be the NameID field.

  • Premier or higher service level. If you do not have this, speak with your Account Manager.

  • Permission from your IT Security Desk to enable SSO.


  • Decide if Auto-Provisioning is right for you.

  • If using Auto-Provisioning choose the default permission role(s).

  • Which email domains should be permitted to use this SSO configuration? (e.g.,

Setup steps

Step 1:

Notify your Customer Success Manager via email that you’d like SSO setup. In this email you should include the following:

  • If you want auto-provisioning enabled, and if so, which default permission role(s) your users should be assigned to.

  • A list of email domains you wish to permit to use your SSO connection.

Step 2:

Once received, Silktide will send you:

  • Assertion Consumer Service URL (ACS URL)

  • Entity ID

  • URL for login

This information should be used to set up the connection in your IDP.

Step 3:

Email a copy of your IdP metadata file to your CSM. This metadata file should include your signing certificate.

You must ensure the NameID field in your IdP is set up to use the email address of the user.

Note: Please remember to set the NameID field correctly. Failure to do so is one of the main reasons for problems during initial testing and setup.

In addition to this, you’ll need to send us your mapping information for:

  • full name OR first name and last name

  • email address

  • (if desired) friendly name/username

Step 4:

We will create your connection ready for testing typically within 2 business days. We will reach out via email to request a 15-minute call with your team to enable and test the connection.

Step 5:

After testing confirms that the setup is correct, you will be asked if you wish to enable SSO for all users straightaway or whether you need more time before making the decision. If you decide that you need more time, we will keep your login method as username/password until you instruct us that you want to proceed with SSO.


It typically takes 2-4 days to get SSO set up if you are able to move quickly. By following the steps outlined above, this process should move forward seamlessly. However, everyone’s systems are different so if you are running into any issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help.

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