Silktide provides a Debug console to show you what events are being sent to it. This can be useful to confirm:
Is Silktide Analytics installed correctly?
Are your custom events being recorded correctly?
Viewing the Debug console
View the analytics property in Silktide
Click Settings
Click Debug console
Using the Debug console
This screen will show events as they are received and processed by Silktide Analytics. Typically the lag between an event happening and appearing here is a few seconds.
If lots of events are being received, you can click Pause to stop updating the screen. The events continue to be received, but no updates will be shown, giving you a chance to read them.
You can expand an event by clicking on the down-caret at the far right of the event. This will show simplified JSON properties of the event.
You can also search the events, and clear the current log. Note that clearing the log has no effect on what Silktide actually records, only on what is shown in your browser when you’re currently viewing this screen.